Warmouse designed the Meta with the goal of creating the best and most useful mouse the digital world has seen to date. Initially inspired by the keyboards on the Treo smartphones, it was created by a game designer who was fed up with the paltry number of buttons available on high-end gaming mice. Because gaming mice have historically been designed primarily for FPS games rather than MMO and RTS games, they do not possess sufficient buttons for the dozens of commands, actions and spells that are utilized in games designed with interfaces that make heavy use of icon bars and pull-down menus. (The SteelSeries WoWmouse and the Razer Naga are two different attempts to solve this very problem.) After discovering that the World of Warcraft mice available at the time were nothing more than regular two-button mice decorated with orcs, dwarves, and Night elves, the concept of the WarMouse was born. It was determined, after much experimentation, that 16 buttons divided into two 8-button halves were the maximum number that could be efficiently used by feel alone. And in the process of design and development, it quickly became apparent that many non-gaming applications would also benefit from having dozens of commands accessible directly from the mouse, especially applications with many functions utilizing nested pull-down menus and hotkey combinations.
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