Thursday, May 9, 2013

Facebook Security Tips- Scan Your Facebook Profile

 These apps will scan your complete profile i.e your time line and in some cases also your friends time line , below are the collection of such apps

Scan Your Facebook Account:

After my previous post on Facebook Security Tips i would like to share another security tip . We use antivirus to find virus,trojans,malwares,worms etc. Similarly there are some apps in facebook which are designed by leading antivirus companies .
These apps will scan your complete profile i.e your time line and in some cases also your friends time line , below are the collection of such apps:


  • Bitdefender Safego protects your Facebook account from all sorts of e-trouble: scams, spam, malware and private data exposure. Safego also keeps your friends safe.
  • Safego also keeps your online friends safe and ...close.


click here to use safego


Safeguard against malicious URLs by scanning your feed using Norton Safe Web. Protect your friends by advising them of malicious URLs you might have in your feed.

Click here to use Nortonsafeweb for facebook


4 works like antivirus for social networks and apps. Using sophisticated algorithms, we identify posts and photos that pose a threat to your privacy, security and reputation. In addition to your own Facebook profile, we also monitor your friends network to keep you safe and secure.
Click Here to use SECURE.ME

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How to Change The Color Folders in windows

When You do have a lots of files and data on your hard drive you might need a lot of time to access to the desired file, so the coloring the folders will help you to quickly identify the desired folder among other folders, because it will attract your eyes to making it easier for you to browse folder on Windows.

Folder Colorizer


Folder Colorizer is 100% free application will change Color Folder which help you to quickly locate files by ther color folder , and then choose between several colors provided by you favorite program or design new colors of your choice. The Beautiful in Folder Colorizer colors that you can apply easily by clicking on the file that you wish to right-mouse clik and then choose the color you wish to apply.
When you Download the program and install it you will be asked to enter your email to register your free copy, so you must fill the required data in order to be able to use the program. Where you can change the color of the folder, by clicking on the folder that you wish to change its color by right then click on colorize where

You will see a drop down list from which you can choose favorite colors which they are located on The Favorite, or design your own color by clicking on the word colors. Also on the case you want to retrieve the old color of the file, click on the word restore original color.
The program works on versions of Windows 32-bit and 64 also works on the Windows version 7 and 8 as well as Windows Xp